nfu -europe
“The significance which is in unity is an eternal wonder”
Rabindranath Tagore
about Bongnyaang
Introducing BONGNYAANG Berlin is the melting pot for numerous cultures, civilizations and peoples from all corners of the globe hence the expression “Multi-Cultural Berlin”. Amidst the multi-cultural
make-up of the city is also the distinguished presence of the Wirfon; sons and daughters of the Fon of Nso who live in this beautiful city. Acknowledging the value of togetherness, the need to belong and the need to uphold their cultural heritage, their origin and the future of Nso children born thousands of miles from home, these Wirfons have come together and have committed to export our beautiful culture beyond borders.
Far back as 1998, Wirfon in Berlin under the banner of “Wir tom Wir, Wir tom Wir” (translated literally as “support for one another”) began coming together. This was orchestrated by the fact that as students they faced common problems like language barriers, cultural shocks, visa extension difficulties, financial challenges, and also the need to find jobs. This, later on, set the foundation for the creation of our first ever Wirfon Association in Berlin known “Bongbati” (translated as “It is great to come together”). In their subsequent meetings, they were able to create a Njangi as well as a saving scheme whereby each member contributed 50DM (German Deutschmarks back then); which could assist a Wirfon in difficulties or help family members back home when the need arises. They began sharing common information about jobs and opportunities and providing orientation to new arriving Wirfons. Some of the founding members then included: Dr Fonyuy Nyuyki, Ben Collins Kwaven, Adel Nyuyki, Judith Peychu, Albert Kongnso, Banseka Prudence, Micarame Fortabo Mengnjo. Nelly Lishishar, Jude Okafor and Claude Fondzeyuf, Matthias Nsolo among others. Over the years Bongbahti has grown from strength to strength and is one of the oldest associations in Berlin and has grown to integrate Cameroonians of the Grassfields hence Bongbahti and friends.
As the saying goes that a good vision never dies it only grows into something better; In 2017 a strong flexible and daynamic group of wirfons in Berlin and Potsdam,meeting in Berlin called themselves “Lim bveh-wun” (literally translated as “work hard, play harder”) decided to be more legitimate by giving legal status to their association with the baptismal name “Bongnyaang” (translated to mean it is good to live in peace/calmness); elections for an executive of the association were conducted.